
Our prices start from $8.75 for 1000 characters and can vary depending on several things.

How We Calculate the Price

When you place your order, we show you the approximate price you have to pay. We calculate it taking these factors into account:

  • the source and target languages
  • the number of words
  • the deadline

Please note that some languages are considered more difficult or rare, thus they are more expensive to translate. For example, the rate for some Asian and African languages is likely to be higher than for popular languages like English or German.

The minimal price is:

  • $12.5 for orders with a deadline less than 8 hours
  • $10 for 8-48 hours
  • $8.75 for a deadline more than 48 hours

You Decide How Much to Pay

After you place your order, you will get bids from translators. The bids they offer will depend on the approximate price we calculated before. Plus, a more experienced writer may charge more for his or her work. You have to decide how much you’re ready to pay.

How We Divide Your Order into Parts

Depending on the number of characters in your text, we will divide your order into several parts. You will pay for each part separately once it’s completed. Here’s how we divide orders:

  • Orders with ≤ 4000 characters will be divided into 2 parts
  • ≤ 6000 characters into 3 parts
  • ≤ 8000 characters into 4 parts
  • More than 8000 characters into 5 parts

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